30 July 2010

Anatomy - Hand - II

Another hand from my anatomy book and a very very quick rendering of my own thumb in top right. Dropped the ball a bit on the little finger but shit happens, you probably wouldnt have noticed unless i pointed it out.


29 July 2010

Sketch Theatre - Sketch To Win - Battle Droid

My entry for THIS competition. Trying to do it every month. Last month's didnt get finished...

The theme was Battle Droid.


Graffiti - Spray Paint - II

More graff. Todays episode was brought to you by the letter "N". I didnt really have enough room for this one so its a little squashed but the shape is still good. There was also no room for a drop shadow so... meh, time to move to a bigger board me thinks. Untill then; CAN CONTROL. CAN CONTROL. CAN CONTROL.

Im using mostly "MTN" spays but a Kobra krome spray aswell if anyone cares...


26 July 2010

Graffiti - Spray Paint - I

Actual spray paint graffiti. I still have alot of can control to learn so lets just mark this down as practice.


23 July 2010

Graffiti - Sketches - I

Some graffiti practice, planning of letters and such, then an actual word all put together. Its all still practice.


22 July 2010

Artist Spotlight - Brian M. Viveros

King of the ladies of your dreams, all featuring their smokeable of choice. I have fallen in love with some of these women... Check him out!

Brian M. Viveros

21 July 2010

Anatomy - Hand- I

A hand study from my human anatomy book. Also a lobster...


17 July 2010

The Music Scene

Official music video for Blockhead's 'The Music Scene'.

An animated mind melt into a post human New York where TV and animals rule.

Directimated by A.F.Schepperd

Commissioned by Ninjatune Records

Music by Blockhead

15 July 2010

Life Sketches - Pencil - I

A couple sketches from another life/figure class, this time in pencil.


12 July 2010

Life Sketches - Charcoal - III

Last 2 of my charcoal sketches for now. These were more substantial pieces that i took more time over. At this point i had a little issue with drawing faces...


9 July 2010

Life Sketches - Charcoal - II

More charcoal sketches. These are a few months old now but im still fairly pleased with them.


8 July 2010

Life Sketches - Charcoal - I

Havent updated in a while because i have mostly been sketching and not completing pieces. Heres some of my better sketches to keep this blog fresh... ish.

Look forward to more in charcoal and pencil and some graffiti.