31 March 2010

Self Farm

Another piece on the topic of health in society but this time with a different perspective. This is built on the theme of over crowding in livestock which leads to rampant spread of disease and inevitably a spread to humans (see bird flu, swine flu). The title is a play on self harm, as if an animal could inflict these kinds of situation upon itself.

Im quite pleased with this piece. Made using the same techniques as the previous work.

Click for detail.

30 March 2010

Scratch 'n' Sniff

A piece i did in a somewhat ongoing theme of health and disease in modern society with a slightly symbolic/surreal style. The toilet paper and face are collaged onto the graffiti background.

Click for zoom.

28 March 2010

Artist Spotlight - Alex Pardee

Its hard to find an appropriate way to describe this guy... He is really out there. Undulating, viscera of monsters, all quite street influenced i feel. Recently depicting children trapped inside said monsters for an ongoing conceptual theme. Hes done work for some  very high exposure projects, such as The Used and even a poster for Inglorious Bastards. You can find his work often frequenting magazines like juxtapoz and high fructose among many others.

Check out his art, his blog is also well worth a look.

Alex Pardee

27 March 2010

Despicable Satire

A collage i did attempting to depict the overlap (no pun intended) between the cult of celebrity, politics and the terror that is pop culture. Drawing a distinct comparrison between patriotism, nationalism, elitism and facism.

Click zoom necessary.

26 March 2010

Pink Terror by Mark Barzman

This is inspiring. Dim the lights, turn it up, spread the word.

24 March 2010

Final Composition - 1lb Weight and Apple

The final composition of the 2 previous still life pieces complete with my plan sheet thing. Fairly pleased with how this came out. To be honest there arent many ways of combining an apple with a pound weight.


Clickzoom is a must.

22 March 2010

Still Life - Apple

This is the second and final still life that constitutes the abstract composition i did. The theme here was a natural object so i chose an apple. This took alot less time to do compared to the 1lb weight as i wanted to do more of a quick rough sketch.


Click for some detail.

18 March 2010

Still Life - 1lb Weight

This is the first still life study i did for an abstract composition type thing. This one was a man made object, a pound weight. This probably took me about  two and a half hours altogether, maybe a little bit more, i cant really remember.


Clickzoom is totally worth it.

17 March 2010

Graffiti - AMMO

This reads "AMMO". I was trying something a little wierd with this one but i thought it might be interesting to show. Trying and not exactly succeding.

Colour pens.


16 March 2010

Graffiti - ONi

Reads "ONi". I was quite pleased with this one, it has a nice feel to it.

Colour pens and pencil for shading.


15 March 2010

Graffiti - Kairu

This one reads "KAIRU". Its Japanese. Kinda reminds me of saved by the bell... Something 80's at least.

All colour pen.


14 March 2010

Graffiti - KyLe and ONi

A couple of my early graffiti efforts, just some messing around really. The one on top reads "KYLE" and the one under it reads "ONI" which is japanese for demon.

Pen and colour pens.

Click if you feel for the detail.

13 March 2010

Green "BONE" Fella

Some wierd freaky green fella i did with graffiti in his "eyes". Will be uploading some actual graffitti designs i have done over the next couple of days. Need to buy some Spray-paint and get up on some actual walls.

Colour pens with a touch of pencil.

Click if you feel like a close-up.

12 March 2010

Artist Spotlight - Mark Ryden

A serious surreal heavyweight dealing with a plethora of themes from children with meat on tricycles in pink nazi uniforms to santa, bees and gelatinous primordial underskirts. Sounds nuts? It is. Now check him the fuck out.

11 March 2010

Clean As A Whistle

A piece i did relating to the current state of cleanliness and the health issues resulting from said cleanliness in our modern society.  The title, i hope, is self explanitory.


Click to see some deatil.

10 March 2010

Anatomy - Skeletal Hand

The skeletal structure of a hand that i coppied from my awesome human anatomy encyclopedia. I should really do more images from that thing... Its an amazingly detailed book.

I was plaesed with this one but i always have that niggling feeling of under achievement because its coppied.


Close up is a must.

9 March 2010

Surreal Photo Doodle

A surreal type doodle thing i did that is meant to relate to the photo in the corner. You figure it out.


Clickzoom is a must.

8 March 2010

Character Sketch


Inspiration from a dog toy... Getting more of a taste for tone in line from here on.


Click zoom.

7 March 2010

Ren Hoek


My odd interpretation of Ren Hoek from ren and stimpy. Its creepy i know. I will probably do a stimpy at some point and i will probably redo ren when i have time seeing as this was very rushed and unplanned.


5 March 2010

4 March 2010

Final Composition From Collage


This was the final abstract composition from the collage in the post below. The skull is tonal pencil, the tentacle and background are colour pencil and the dripping stuff is ink and wash. Also the lacey crown thing on the skull is plain old pen.

Im pretty pleased with how this whole thing came out, although it may be a little less abstract than was expected of me, i went with something more asthetically pleasing, rather than a mess of shapes.

Mixed media.

Click fo detail. 

3 March 2010

Collage and Reductions

An A4 collage and 3 A5 reductions from it. This was work for an art class i was attending that ended in January. Youre definately gonna need a closer look to see which parts make up these compositions in the collage.

I used mixed media as was the object of the project:

Colour pencils on the tentacle one, ink and wash on the ribs and breast and lightning bolts one, then just tonal pencil on the japanese type one.

Click for some close ups.

I will upload the final composition tomorrow which is the skull and tentacle one in A4 utilising all 3 mediums.

2 March 2010

Artist Spotlight - Shohei Otomo

Boy is a japanese media and pop culture atom smasher, hes the motha fuckin tesla coil of Nippon.

Click and show him some love.

Shohei Otomo

1 March 2010

Still Life - Safety Pin


Zing! Look at those tones... Last picture from my A5 Pad till i draw something new in there.


Click for detail.