30 January 2010



Just some characters i copied from the FLCL manga. I always loved how simple these drawings were but still executed in a way to convey so much emotion.


Circa about 2002-ish again, lord-knows it could be earlier though. Old as the hills and you love it.

Click for bigness.

28 January 2010

Doodle Mania

2 Doodles from my A5 sketchbook. Click for a closer look.

Painstakingly drawn in pen only. I think i have a penchant for concentric outlines... 

Circa 2002-ish, i forget. 

27 January 2010

Oldies Continued

More old stuff before moving on, slightly editted in PS.

Man this stuff is old but seeing as its already scanned and on my hard drive i might as well share it...


Just some older stuff from my A5 sketchbook to get us started.

Firstly a logo type thing from my old band "Last Fairytale Disaster". We still have a myspace with some songs up so check that out if ure feeling musical. Link below... 

Last Fairytale Disaster 



First thing 1st and second things 2nd.

Welcome to the ground breaking ceremony of my new blog!

Its going to mostly serve as a record of my (hopefully improving) art work with maybe a dusting of some poetry and words by yours truly.

Pictures coming very soon so start holding your breath.